Clarity & Authenticity: Therapy of Choice

Rebecca Clements
2 min readOct 21, 2019


Post-surgery, drug-induced poetry.

The nights hurt the worse

Just had a panic attack from the pain.

Partner rolling up to the scene

He’s worked up, yelling my name.


Calm down,


Goddamn, I’m trying,

Let me first resuscitate.


They say surgery hurts,

Well, it’s the days that aren’t so bad.

It’s being tied up at night,

Wishing this procedure was never had.


It’s all for the best,

It’ll get better just wait.

Tomorrow is unknown,

Today, we resuscitate.


Music playing,

chatter in the distance.

Sitting here in a compression chair

Music playing, wants to dance.


They call this therapy

What if it’s really just a big machine hug?

Although hugging is therapy

Who cares if it’s a machine, saint, or thug.


Underneath it all

We all just want to feel

Feel like we matter, in control,

Like we can always seal the deal.


When in truth we are

Eating-shitting-feeling machines

Yet we have a prefrontal cortex

Our power center brain can be clever, keen.


Can you override

That animal brain of yours?

Can you connect even the most mundane of tasks

To a higher purpose… every chore?


There’s beauty in the simple

And the quiet moments usually speak the loudest.

We went from fight or flight to couch sitting.

No longer survival of the fittest.


Anyone can seek comfort

Therapy comes in flavors galore

But are your actions therapy?

Or some self-deprecating bore?


It’s boring to do easy

It’s lame to only exist

When you’re here… you’re here.

Why not give it your own twist?


Goodbye for now,

It felt good to get thoughts out.

Told you I think in rhymes 82% of the time.

Living, breathing, doing is what this is about.



Not to be mistaken with who I am.

The past doesn’t authenticate us,

That’s something only time can.


I’m authentic now,

Thinking like the person I’m becoming.

I like her.. names RC.

She’s got my whole body humming.


Humble -

Not to be mistaken with who you once were.

It’s a new day…

And a damn good one at that, sir!


Ma’am, madam,

mama sittaaaa!

Having surgery soon

May get me a margarita!


Ha! I won’t.

I don’t drink.

But water is another story.

Fill the sink!


Ha, part 2!

Don’t gulp from the sink

I only drink Kangen…

9.5 alkaline choice of drink.


Only the purest

My love deserves the best

Yes I’m talking about me

Self before the rest.



Rebecca Clements
Rebecca Clements

Written by Rebecca Clements

Self-development, physical fitness, & nutrition consultant. Lover of words. Founder of RC Online Coaching & 90 Days to Plant-Based. @Simply_Whimsical #RCCoachMe

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