Shedding Skin, Gone Like the Seasons

Rebecca Clements
5 min readOct 15, 2019


A poem for ever-evolving humans who seek growth and follow-through.

Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Shedding skin; Gone like the seasons

Loving it yet people need reasons.


Not I not me — owe nobody nothing.

Yet time spent spinning a story into something.


Like the new who is Getting to know her still.

She orders decaf and loves to swallow truth pills.


Addicted to the accurate- seeking truth beyond.

With a healthy understanding of mortality — here, there, then gone.


An evolution, a new, a place that’s a step.

A stone, pedestal, safe place. Somewhere I want to be with a lover I haven’t yet met.


Past skin gone like a snake who sheds.

Spending more time in different beds.


Desires to learn, feel, hurt, grow.

A lil masochistic, yet never sadistic.. new faces to show.


More people to experience, plenty of hands to shake.

It’s not about the what — it’s the WHY for fucks sake.

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Why so loud it bellows out of soul.

Ignore the voices and on the body they take a toll.


Not here to pay a toll. Not today satin, not here, now yet.

Following the souls voice down a new rabbit hole — like Alice and her pet.


Heir, not hair. And not era of a throne.

Outside the looking glass.. looking in — an old self is overthrown.


Who should we be today? Let’s start with choices —

a world at our feet yet mortals focus on the old voices.

The voices in our heads the ones that when left unchecked, create our reality.

Thought to belief to reality… check.

Parents voice to parenting voice… heck.

Speaking your truth… breaking your neck.

Going to get whiplash trying to keep up… bet.


A bastard, a blessing, what is — the only constant is change.

Change isn’t to be controlled — it’s to be honored in all its range.


High, far, long-distance.

Change is neutral… so put away those pistons.


Face the unknown with curiosity.

Like Alice, it may be the ticket to survival.

Welcome change… invite it for a dinner party.

Dance with it, fuck with it.. get tribal.

Alana Young for AWOL

We are stronger together

Us feeble conscious skin-bags.

grab the ones you love

Face change the same — regardless if it’s covered in diamonds or dirty rags.


Embrace, welcome, greet.

Educate, empower, eat.


My why is strong.. my pack is evergrowing.

Writing this now on a plane that’s going.


Fast, fast, too fast for our mortal brains to comprehend.

So we stay “busy” focusing on instant gratifications and trends.


“Whoah, slow this shit down.”

-Usually the man in the back sporting a permafrown.


“Life is too fast”

Ahh, I disagree…

Our limited time is what keeps us free.


Free to grow, to shed skin, to snake through…

An undetermined deadline creates pressure anew.


This pressure is familiar.. most humans know.

That deep antsy feeling in the core — a finger tap, nervous shift, or deep breath can show.


Innate pressure to remind of mortality.

What will be, what is, what once was — fatality.

A fact easy to suppress, ignore, choke back.

Death is REAL my friends — one day your body will be in a sack.

A coffin, a box, a fire, some dirt.

Wherever your skin bags ends up is irrelevant — when you’re dead, you can’t be hurt.


When you’re alive you can be.

Humans get hurt — gee wiz. So what’s your choice — swallow the fact of death — or come to terms with what is?


I choose awareness and accuracy.

Questioning my thoughts, actions, the world around me.

Not everyone chooses the light. Why?

Enlightenment is a choice.

It’s not necessary to survive anymore..

Yet it’s one of the best ways to earn a voice.

Whatever the voice — here’s a takeaway.

Shedding skin takes discomfort, ok?


Get used to it. Feel it, get curious.. remember?

It’s just a feeling. Your mind is strong, your mind is tender.

Photo by Andy Brunner on Unsplash

I don’t wear snakeskin.. vegan as fuck.

Not the literal kind OR figurative in case the point was lost in the muck.


If ya like the old skin — cool, hang it up.

Frame it, parade it, take it for a ruck.

Warning, warning! Just be sure not to put it back on. You’ve shed it for a reason.. leave it and come’on.

Pick a new skin. Better yet — do a D-I-Y.

Pinterest searching “new me” *sighs*


Templates popping all over the screen

Scrolling through.. no… no… no…



This isn’t right. No, not that either.

Where is the custom option?! Overwhelm sets in… you land on neither.


Lost, skinless.. yet that’s OK.

Tough skin is built on naked.. yay!


Figure it out along the ride

Buckle up, we drive over bumps.


No pothole left untouched

Oh, and we always drive through the slumps.


Slum, castle, mansion, rainforest...

The world is our playground, leave the baggage at home, Delores.


This next journey requires no map, no previous experience, and no skin.

All you need is a captivating why… and a willingness to sin.





Rebecca Clements
Rebecca Clements

Written by Rebecca Clements

Self-development, physical fitness, & nutrition consultant. Lover of words. Founder of RC Online Coaching & 90 Days to Plant-Based. @Simply_Whimsical #RCCoachMe

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